
Welcome, thoughtful scribbles, romance book reviews, fan fiction story reviews, art tutorials, CKD renal failure education

Welcome to the future site of Michelle Cary’s Thoughtful Scribbles. I suppose you can consider this to be my first post on my new website. Anyway, I ask that you allow me to share my plans with you.

This website and blog is where I will be sharing my journey with CKD, renal failure, dialysis, and transplants. I hope to educate and bring additional awareness to a subject and condition that has touched me and my family on such a personal level.

Along with my journey through renal failure, I plan to share my love of reading by offering reviews. Specifically reviews on published romance, both old and new stories. I also intend to review stories from the much underrated and misunderstood outlet of fan fiction. I will be staying within the areas of fan fiction that interest me unless a specific request is made to do otherwise.

My 20+ years of writing both published original fiction and fan fiction provides me with a unique perspective of how the industry has changed over the years. I would love to share that insight and knowledge with anyone interested in listening. Who knows. Maybe something I share will help others achieve their dream of becoming an author.

In addition, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and opinions on anything to do with art. More specifically, learning how to become an artist and the various mediums from which to choose. This could also include sharing news articles, including providing my reaction to the information. Sharing tutorials in the areas of drawing and writing. Hopefully, you all will enjoy this site and will help me to build it into a fun and informative place to be.

So, once again, I welcome you to my website. Please take a few minutes to have a look around.