About me

If you made it this far into my website, then let me start by saying WELCOME! 

I’d like to tell you a little about me. First, my name is Michelle Cary.  I’m an author, artist, and renal failure patient.  I’m also a wife to an amazing husband and a mother to two awesome (now adult) children. Yes, I brag, but that’s what mothers do. 

I’ve spent years being an introvert and avoiding placing the spotlight on myself in any way, shape, or form. Hiding behind a keyboard and using a pen name allowed me to put myself out there for the world to see without having to show myself. At first, it was a way to protect my children from the evil the internet can generate. Later, I chose to remain hidden behind the keyboard and pen name due to my insecurities and lack of confidence.

Between the simple act of growing older and a recent health scare, I’ve decided to change my attitude. Life is too short for me to care what others think of me.  It’s none of my business anyway.

Why this website?

Like every other person on this planet, I also have a story to share. Just maybe, some part of my story will help others.  So, that is why this website was formed. 

My plan for this website is as follows:

~ To educate people on Chronic Kidney Disease, renal failure, dialysis, and Transplant. 

~Offer book reviews on romance novels (old and new).

~Share my limited knowledge of art and writing.

~ Generate conversations on art, writing, and anything else that may strike my fancy.

If you want to know more about me, please feel free to snoop around on my website. Don’t forget to follow me on my social media.  What I have planned will hopefully be fun and informative. 

About me, Michelle Cary, Artist, Author, mother, wife, writing, fan fiction, insecurities, YouTube, introvert